THE COLOURFUL WORLD OF WOMEN IN POETRY offers insights into the simple and knotted issues of life that are faced by female writers and thus presenting a female perspective in their poetry. The long journey undertaken by them eventually establishes a stable female poetic tradition. From ‘no-entry-ladies-forbidden’ to a powerful and magnetic destination of a new “second” world […]
Planet Earth Has A Key To Our Spiritual Growth
Alka Nigam Published: July 27th, 2021; Speaking Tree, The Times of India Enchantingly beautiful as well as superbly managed by its creator, our planet earth is hanging in the cosmos as a part of only one known solar system consisting of nine planets . As a wheel within the cosmic wheel, the planet earth […]
Unfailing Voice Of Intuition
In my biology class as a child I was bewildered to see a headless but still alive frog withdrawing its legs when touched with a hot rod. The teacher told us this is called Reflex Action. That means certain motor actions do not need the involvement of brain at all. Later as I […]
Silence Makes Longevity Possible
Published Feb 2021; The Speaking Tree, Times of India : The majestic peaks and deep valleys of the Himalayas silently call us and leave us speechless with their magnetic charm; so does the bewitching beauty of the Saharan desert. The sound of crashing ocean waves may comfort us, but it is the ocean’s unfathomable […]
सीधी, सपाटकंकरीट सड़कके वक्षस्थलपर से जातेआपनेविस्तृत घासके नरम, गुदगुदेहरित वस्त्र परसर्पीले श्वेत पटसे पडेमुझेदेखा तो होगा!नाम की जिसे परवाह नहीं,प्रगति की कोई चाह नहीं,अपनी पह्चान रहेइसका भी सवाल नहीं,कलान्त पथिक कीस्वेद बूंदें कुछ सोख सकूँ,उसकी मंज़िल कीलम्बाई तनिक कम करूं,इसे छोटी चाह से हीअपना अस्तित्व जमायामैंनेदो विशालकाय राहोंके गर्वीले अहंको ऊँचा रखउनका मिलन करायामैंनेमैं,जिसे, आप […]
मां का गर्भनाम था दूसराप्रश्रय अपरिमित काकिन्तु हाय विडम्बनानारी के भाग्य कीअजन्मी वह छोटी सी अवधिभी टिक न पायी सुरक्षितछोटा सा वह घरौंदाठण्डे लौह यन्त्रोंकी चपेटमेंकराह उठापुत्री ने उस अन्धकार मेंअजन्मे हीप्रश्रयदात्री की ठण्डी आँखों मेंआँखें डाल दीऔर पूछाअब तुम भी?और यहाँ भी?औरत जाति की छाप लिएमैंपर्वतों की दरारों सेखुराक खींचती थीअजन्में ही वह ठप्पा […]
T.S Eliot And Modern Hindi Poets
Indian response to T.S.Eliot, a myth or a mantra, has been haunting our literary pundits since he quoted the Upanishadic aphorism ‘Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyata’. Explicitly or implicitly Indian response to T.S. Eliot has taken the form of the exploration of Indian thought in his work as well as his impact on Indian literature. His impact […]
Tribute to Swati
Madalsa Upadesha : A Lullaby Par Excellence
Lullabies generally take drowsy children to a wishful land of magic- a stuff from which they weave their own world and safe and snug in the arms of mothers go to sweet sleep leaving the real, harsh world behind. But lullaby by queen Madalsa awakens her sons from slumber and opens the world of […]
Facts Of History and Nursery Ryhmes/Children’s Literature
Nursery rhymes are short lyrics for children with apparently no meaning. We call it nonsense poetry. Children get captivated by their catchy, rhythmic music and they love to sing. In all human cultures ditties for their children in varying forms are present. Some of them are fabricated from imagination, some taken from the folklore, some […]
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