Every morning is beautiful morning. Every morning comes to us smiling. Every morning breaks the day with a fresh spirit, with a new blessing!! When it comes, the joy of life bursts out from every seam, every crevasse in every corner of hills and vales. Bathed in soft dim light, the entire spectacle of mother […]
Unfailing Voice Of Intuition
In my biology class as a child I was bewildered to see a headless but still alive frog withdrawing its legs when touched with a hot rod. The teacher told us this is called Reflex Action. That means certain motor actions do not need the involvement of brain at all. Later as I […]
Tribute to Swati
Madalsa Upadesha : A Lullaby Par Excellence
Lullabies generally take drowsy children to a wishful land of magic- a stuff from which they weave their own world and safe and snug in the arms of mothers go to sweet sleep leaving the real, harsh world behind. But lullaby by queen Madalsa awakens her sons from slumber and opens the world of […]
Facts Of History and Nursery Ryhmes/Children’s Literature
Nursery rhymes are short lyrics for children with apparently no meaning. We call it nonsense poetry. Children get captivated by their catchy, rhythmic music and they love to sing. In all human cultures ditties for their children in varying forms are present. Some of them are fabricated from imagination, some taken from the folklore, some […]